The Coalition of Hematology and Oncology Practices (CHOP) received its nonprofit status in 2003. The original purpose was to promote and educate community oncology practices within the state of Texas. Representatives of several oncology practices in Texas came together and decided there was a need for communication between their practices and others within the state regarding the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, local reimbursement issues, and challenges specific to community oncology practices.

CHOP’s goals have been:

– To provide a forum for the discussion of future strategies

– To advocate for small group and independent practices

– To interface between our members and various payers

– To educate and support our members and partners

– To act as a conduit of information between members and other oncology-related organizations

In 2009 after the establishment of Regional Medicare Contractors by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), CHOP decided to expand its focus to include all states within the Medicare J4 Region – OK, TX, NM and CO.  Community oncology practice administrators from all four states met and the new CHOP was formed, holding its first meeting in February 2010.

In 2012, CMS merged the J4 Region into the new JH Region which added the states of AR, MS and LA.  This involved a Contractor change to Novitas Solutions. CHOP again expanded its reach to cover the entire JH Region by adding AR, MS and LA to its membership. With the decline of LCD’s, in 2016 CHOP decided to expand past the 7 Novitas states. Since that time, CHOP has experienced tremendous growth now representing over 36 practices in 16 states.